
What does self-compassion have to do with diabetes?

What does self-compassion have to do with diabetes?

In past blogs I have written about self-compassion and diabetes separately. However, today I’d like to merge the two topics and pose the question: What does self-compassion have to do with diabetes? If you’re interested in reading the longer, more scientific response, click here for my paper, which was recently published in Mindfulness. For the [...]



Let me ask you this: If you tell a plant to grow tall, will that make it flourish? Maybe if you shout at it, it will truly hear you and obey? Or better yet, why not shake it from its root so that it really get’s the point? Now, let me ask you something else: [...]

With thanks

With thanks

As we wrap up 2017 (and all of our Christmas presents), we may find ourselves thanking others for all they’ve done for us during the past year. For some people, it’s easy to think about what they’re grateful for. Some feel grateful for the love and support from family and friends. Others are grateful for [...]

If… then…

If… then…

Today, I attended a workshop on changing behaviours through brief interventions. As a psychologist with a special interest in health, I am open to learning new ways of motivating people to make healthy changes, whether that is a change in their diet, physical activity, or even an addiction. Changing behaviours can be really hard! So, [...]

The wish to be loved

The wish to be loved

In a previous post, I discussed the Mindful Self-Compassion retreat that I attended in the Yarra Valley recently, and how the emotion shame came up for me during the retreat. I wanted to dedicate a post to this emotion, as it is one we often don’t recognise in ourselves when it appears. And, it is [...]

The Dance of Anger

The Dance of Anger

As we come to the end of Women’s Health Week, I wanted to reflect on a valuable new addition to my bookshelf. The book I am referring to is called The Dance of Anger by Dr Harriet Lerner, and was recommended to me by a mentor and fellow psychologist. I’m only half way through, but [...]